Saturday, August 29, 2009

Assignment 1

Oh snap. Pre Calculus Blogging assignment numero uno !

So since school started, Mr Clark had us solving for x in an inequality equation. To solve this problem, one side must be equal to 0. For example, if the problem was 3/x > 1, you would subtract the 1 from both sides so that the right side will be 0. Once you've got 0 on that side, you'll have to draw a number for each equation in the problem. We then label x as a the number opposite of what comes before it. For example, (4+x), x would equal (-4). For each point plotted on the graph, we draw a line down it, to create barriers. We then find the zone where the equation fits, and then you write the answer. Now you're done.

And with that, I bid you adieu.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Scratch That

Well, looks like I'm back on this biddness . It'll mainly be used for school now, seeing as my Pre-Calc teacher, Mr. Clark, wants us to blog about what happened in his class that day. I hope that goes well. Haha.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Farewell -

Goodbye Blogspot. I'm starting on a new blogging site. Have fun finding me.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Stepping it Up

"PTL for tonight. Freals feelin' it. Its time to step up for the Lord, on the realz. I miss all ya'll already though."

Saturday, August 22nd, 2009 - 11:57 AM.
First off, I Tweeted that statement last night, after the post camp rally. It was truly a blessing. I honestly love my FBC Family.
They're my brothers and sisters in Christ, our Lord&Savior, and I wouldn't have them any other way. The times I truly am happy, is when I'm with them.

So, yeah. The post-camp rally was last night. It was great seeing them again. It was a fun filled night. The Alameda youth got to SF Church around 6:40, and there was barely anyone there. There were already a few there, like the Worship Team, Dominador, Kuya Sam, Kuya Tabs, Matt, and a few others. I was already having the jitters about performing later that night, but I knew God would get me through it. Kamaka and I segregated from the rest, and jammed outside on the frotn steps for a bit. Practicing the special number, and then playing a few other songs. Then others started to arrive. Around 7 or so, the Vallejo youth arrived. It's funny. They all come together at the same time, it's like they're a tribe, or village. Haha. One by one, I started seeing those familiar faces, running around, hugging, greeting, etc. I even ran out to the back, because I Saw Kuya Jon Erick. Hahah. I ran towards him, without him noticing me, yelled his name, and tightly hugged him. *Smile* I heard someone yell my name, &as I ran back inside, I shouted, "Did someone say my name? " Ahah. &it was another famliar voice, KYLIEEEEE. Hahah. Miss that giiirl(: Then there was Josh Machacon and TJ Bacud, the remaining Ukulele-ists. We haven't gotten together to practice as a whole, so then was our chance. We ran through the song a couple of times, piecing it out to see how it would go. We kept messing up as we practiced, or at least I think we did. But we turned out fine. After we practiced one more time, it was time to go on in. Man, I went inside, and all the seats were filled. Ahah. I thought to myself, "When'd ya'll get here?!" ahah, whack. Well yeah, the night went on as planned. We sang worship songs first, then there was a game led by Bodek and Bernard. Rhinos, FTW. Although I liked the idea of being the "Kamaka's" HAHAHA. Josh whspered at me, he said "After the first game, right?". Oh man, our time was coming up. Haha. I was praying that it'd go smoothly. And when we got up there, it felt right. We played Mighty to Save by Hillsong United. Definitely feeling it though.

I was so nervous, but I'm glad God gave me the strength to Step Up. That's what the night was about. Stepping up in your Christian Life. A few testimonies were given, one by Boom Boom, another by Jeneva, and Dominador. God is Life-Changing, I can tell you that. Then after that, Timothy, Kuya J, and Dante gave their special number, rapping to the beat of Billie Jean. Haha. It was sick. Then there was a short skit about stepping up in church.

Then it was time for Kuya Truman to give his devotion for the night. He spoke about the cost of being a disciple, a follower of Jesus. I liked it too, it mentioned something I already, lightweight, knew about. It was being Not of This World.

The verses were Luke 14:25-27
25Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said: 26"If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple. 27And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

Luke 6:41-42:
41"Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye? 42How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,' when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.

This passage means how could we be checking up on a brother, or sister's walk with God, when we don't even check ourselves.

and the last passage was John 16:33
33"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

Kuya Truman gave a good devotion. It helped me realize I needed to step up in my Christian Faith. Stop being a Sunday Christian, a friday Christian, or whenever you're with your BASIC. I need to start being an EVERYDAY Christian. Live my life as at testimony for God. From this point on, I'm going to change. I don't know whether it'll be slowly, or quick, I just know that these changes will be noticeable. I'll do it all for God. I'll step up.


Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Girl Like Her..

She's just one of a kiiind.~

I'm soo bored. hahah. Well, update, update, updatesss. Nothing much ever happens in my life. Ahaha. Uhm, SLAM Juniors and a few others kicked it over at the Marina last Saturday, wasn't much. It was alright, I Guess. &nothing much else happened. Ahah. Uhm, in an hour, it'll be Kathryn's birthday. Hahah. I told her I'd sing for her in a voicemail. Hopefully I could do it without waking up my parents. Then I think JC and the youth are coming over tomorrow to discuss important matters, and hopefully play with Shrinky Dinks. =DDD My Heart shrinky dink broke. =[
THEN FRIDAAAAY . I WISH IT'D HURRY UP. FREAKIN' WANT TO SEE ALL THEM FBC KIDS AGAIN. OMFREAKIN'GOSSSSSH. Special Number, here I come. Hahaha. Oh yeah, I got my school schedule last Tuesday.

1st - English 3 CP
2nd -SLAM Video Production
3rd - Pre-Calculus
4th - French 2
5th - US History Honors
6th - Chemistry

I kinda like my schedule. Hahaha. IT depends though. What kind of teachers I get. I mean, I'm cool with Mrs Farley, Mr. Hargrave, and Mr. Tobin, but the other teacherse I worry about. Haha, hopefully God will bless me with good teachers this year.

WHICH REMINDS ME. It's getting close to that time where I have to teach a section of our Tuesday night biblestudy. I'm only a teen ! hahah, I'm the only teen there, other than jacob. Everyone else are adults. I pray that he'll give me the wisdom to be able to teach His word.

OHGEEZE. I guess I'll finish with this. I'm still thinking bout Pretzel. HAHAH. Why wont you leave dang it !? Hahah. I wish I didn't have it this bad. I wish I could tell her tooooo. I'm seeing her this Friday at the Post-Camp. Ughhhh. Shyness, blushing, knowing she's out there in the crowd while I'm up on stage with the other ukulele-ists, singing, OHGEEEEZE. MLIA. Haha.

On a lighter note, I miss my bestfriend Arianna Teresing Cerbas Daoheuang. She's on lockdown thoooough ! Hurry up and get your phone privileges back ! Hahahah. My post went everywhere.


Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I'm tired, and yet, I can't sleep. I want to sleep, really I do. But when I lay my head on the pillow, close my eyes, and attempt to fall asleep, I fail miserably. Man, I'm so gonna fail once junior year starts. Well, in the beginning, at least. Gotta face it. My life's going to start soon. Scared, yet excited at the same time. And then there's always that doubt, though. Will I get into the college I want, will I become successful, will I find someone I could spend the rest of my life with. I feel like life's moving way too fast. I have to make the last two years of my high school career memorable.

The future scares me.

and yet, I know God is in Control.

Plans for the rest of the week.
Wednesday(Tomorrow): Wake up, get ready, walk to SL Bart station, take the 1 to school, and then classboard meeting. I doubt I'm going to play ball with the guys, I'd much rather kick it with twinny, Juna at Nubi in Bayfair. After that, gonna hit up the old neighborhood, pay Ej Salas a little visit, get the backpack, and maybe play ball there with that foo'. Then when my mom gets off work, I'll probably go home with her. Then probably chill the rest of the night, maybe record another song. Lmao.

Thursday: Nothing yet, I think. Maybe work out with Kuya Alvic. I've been itching to turn these flabs into abs. Tired of living this unhealthy lifestyle. I don't know about anything else though.

Friday: Ah, yes. TGIF. I'm gonna have to wake up early that day too. Off to church to help clean up again, I think paint too ? I don't know. Spending it with the bruh's though, while my dad and the other workers keep on renovating. Don't know what's up for after that though, biblestudy I think. Man Kamaka, we needa set up that date to practice faaast.

Saturday: For suure. SLAM Junior picnic over at the marina. 4 Guys Reunion ! Lmfao. I think we changed our name to WEEE are EEEW . Ahaha. W = William E = Eljay E=Eduardo E= Elijah. Let's goo. Got my ukulele ready. It's gon be a chill-ass day.

Sunday: Church ! Then we're going back to our building for a church clean-up. There probably wont be much to clean up, since the youth would have done alot of it friday. Then ABDC at night. Yee~ MASSIVE MONKIES, WE ARE HEROES, RHYTHM CITY .

Can't wait until next week though. Post Camp Rally, here I come. I miss everyone, oh so dearly. And I'll get to see Pretzel. LMAO. Insider between me and my best friend, Arianna Teresing Cerbas Daoheuang. Too bad she wont be able to come, her freakin' parents are making her go camping that weekend. *Sad Face*
Then the week after that, sadly, is school. Summer flew by so quickly. I think that's enough. Hopefully I'm tired enough to fall asleep now. Goodnight blogspotters, tweeters, wordpressers, myspacers, facebookers, photobucketers, flickrers, youtubers, downelinkers, friendsterers, OMGPoppers, AIMers, and all those other networking sites.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Tell Me Why

Tell Me Why Every Time I think of her:
  • My heart beats faster
  • It also beats the same time
  • I get butterflies
  • I can't stop thinking of her
  • etc.
UGH. This sucks.


Friday, August 7, 2009

*Give me one Pure and Holy Passion

DUDE JUICED MUCH ! AHAHAH. I just got a call from Brian Naval and Kamaka saying that we're asked to do a special number at the Post Camp rally on our ukulele's. YEEE. ~ All for the Lord though, finally using these talents for something better than life. YES<3 And when we practice, I get to see them Vallejo kids. YESS<3 I am TOOO JUICED !


Forget it

"forget about us
forget about the bull shit
forget about the scandals
forget about the music
forget about love
forget about you
forget about me
forget about who?"

Note to self*
Forget it. Forget erything. Forget the past. It's time to move on. Stop holding back. Focus on your life. Get your priorities straight.
