Monday, May 4, 2009

Got to be Stronger;

So Christine made her school's Drill squad. As if the distance wasn't hard enough, here comes another hurdle I must jump. I know I have to be supportive, but honestly, I think deep inside, I secretly wish that she didn't make it. But I'm glad she did. I really am. If only we weren't so far apart, this'd be so much easier. I Guess that's just the way life is. It's hard. There are no shortcuts. There is no "Re-Do". There is no "Easy" button. That's just the way it is.

So it's Monday. I had a long weekend. Friday started off with school. Same old, same old. Then I went home. Later on in the night, Fernan came to pick me up for Cassie's musical. I fell asleep on the car ride, I guess I was just tired. We watched her musical, it was called 'Once on this Island'. Its apparently a tropical twist on the Little Mermaid story. It was alright. Pretty dramatic. Then after, we went to Denny's to get something to eat. Boy was I hungered. Haha. Then we went home, and I just crashed.

Next morning, I woke up around 10. I was just being lazy in the morning. Around 1, I got ready to go to Andy's house for his birthday party. It was raining though. When I got there, our friends were already there. We played some basketball in his backyard, boy was I beasting ! HAHAHA. Then we went to go cut the cake and stuff, yadayada. &Then after, we challenged the upcoming 9th graders, since it was Andy's 8th grade sister's birthday too, to a game of football. Now THIS is where I started beasting. HAHA. Pick's everywhere, catching them long distance throws. Yee~ Then after, more basketball against the 8th graders. We Lost here though ! Haha. They're beast. Then I went to go do laundry with my mom and dad. Then went to go watch the Pacquiao fight at this house that I do not know. ROUND 2 YEEE. Knockout hatton's whiteness. Beasttt. Then I went home, and crashed again. Haha.

Sunday was church. Same old usual. Then after was my baby cousin, Ethan Luke's 1st birthday party and dedication. It was fun. More Basketball ! Haha. Dang. Athletic weekend. It was fun though. Jammed a bit with Kamaka &His ukulele. haha. Then went home, Mapled, and talked to Christine. Then Crashed at around 11 or 11:30. I'm soo tired today. Right now. I don't know. I just feel off today. But that's about it for now. Lates~


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