2 Corinthians 5:7 - "For we live by Faith, not by Sight"
Our sight guides us every day. If your sight wasn't leading the way, would you still know where you were, who was with you, and what you were doing?
You Most definitely would. You would have other senses until the Lord restored your sight. Those who have lost their sight have reported other senses becoming heightened over time. Think of living by faith and not by sight as a sharpening of your other senses.
Hearing lets you know the great works He has done in others' lives. Touch lets you hold your child and feel the love of our Creator. Smell lets you inhale the sweet outdoors, knowing the peace of God.
Thursday, May 21st, 2009.
So I got my shirt today. I was pretty sure it was going to come next week, but I guess it came early. Thanks Hoa&Brandon !

Model Status !
Anyways, 3 more weeks ! Let's Gooooo ! Summer's a'comin'. I'm ready. Apparently I'll be babysitting this summer, a hundred bucks every 2 weeks. Underpaid, but whatever, it's family. I wont be home the whole week, only weekends. That's kindof a bummer, but oh well. And I'll be able to see the parents on Tuesdays because of Biblestudies anyways, so yeah.
Christine and I's 11th month anniversary is coming up in 7 days. It feels like just yesterday when we first met. I could remember it clearly. It's going to be one year soon, &I want to go see her. If it's in God's will, I'll see her. God wants what's best for me, I know. I love her<3
June 28th is a sunday, so who knows how long I'll be able to talk to Christine. I have my phone anyways, soo yeah. &the day after, is Youth Camp '09 boyeee ! Let's gooo ! I can't wait. I've been waiting for this for forever. I'm so excited to find out what team I'll be on, who's team I'm on, all that jazz. It's in Santa Cruz this year too, so it wont be too long of a drive.
So it's Auntie May's birthday this Sunday. I wont be going to our church, Faith Bible Church of Alameda, or Brandon's Party. T_T Oh well. Family first, always. We'll be going to Faith Bible Church of Tri-City, which is right down the street from my house. It starts at 10, so I'm going to have to wake up pretty darn early.
I've been practicing 'She Was Mine' by Jesse Barrera and AJ Rafael on the piano. I think I've completely gotten the whole song down. Now I can play it with Ian on the guitar, while I'm on the piano, and both of us doing vocals. Hopefully he'll sing along too, no confidence in his singing voicee.
I recently got back into Maplestory to cope with Christine's absence for Drill. I'm happy for her and all, but sometimes it just gets hard, because I was really looking forward to those late night, conversations that seemed like hours at a time. At least I have things to keep myself busy. I've gotten into Basketball and football with the homeboys, or jogging on my own, babysitting cousins, kicking it with friends. Hopefully summer '09 will be crackinnnnn.
We're moving next week. We're leaving this Oakland house, and moving onto Davis street's Gateway Apartments. I want to move already. I want to get out of this house. Gateway has basketball courts, a swimming pool, gym. I'd rather be there than here.
Well, I think that's all the updates for now. Until next time, yo.
1 Thing 2 do, 3 words 4 you.
I Love You
I Love You
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