I just want you close
coz you make me smile
I just cannot get you off my mind
with each kiss
you blow me away
and without you I think I'd go crazy
for your love
I would do anything coz to me
you are my everything
I just cannot get you off my mind
with each kiss
you blow me away
and without you I think I'd go crazy
for your love
I would do anything coz to me
you are my everything
Yes, Christine, You are my Everything. This song reminds me of our conversation last night, which is why I decided to use these lyrics. Also because Randolph Permejo and Cathy Nguyen are the shizz. Also also because I miss her. Haha. Yes, I Truly can't live without her for a day. I truly can't see myself with anyone but her. God brought us together for a reason. It's up to us to see this through to the end. And I promise, we'll see it through to the end. This is a promise I intend to keep.
mistakes. But it's all good, all that hard work will pay off. Honestly, we spent alot of time being childish and playing around. Hahaha. I Love You Eljay, Ed, Josh, and Jason. All Homo.....Err, I mean No Homo. >3> Hahahaha. But yeah, There were some homo-ish things going on. Deng it Josh...You and your pick up lines. Some times I think I'm a little too Childish..Ahaha. As a wise master once said ( Shout out to ELJAY )
"I Just want you Close, Cuz you Make me Smile, I just CANNOT get you off my Mind."On another note, I'm sorry I haven't posted a new post in awhile. I guess that double post from last time was enough to keep me down for about a week. Haha. I lost my internet connection on Tuesday, so I didn't get around to having internet again until yesterday. I haven't really been thinking about what to write, so I guess I'm ad-libbing it as I go on. Let's tell you about my week, yes? I dont remember much though. AHA. I guess nothing exciting happened this week. Monday through Friday, was the same old, same old. Went to school, stayed after school for classboard, etc. It's cool though. Me, Eljay, Eduardo, Josh, and Jason made a taxi-cab for spirit week ! Yeah......! Yeah....xD It's pretty awesome. Eljay drew it, we painted it. It looks like the real thing except for some

"Growing Old is Mandatory
Growing up is optional."
But yeah, to the left is half of our taxi cab. Awesome, no? Eljay, Ed, and Josh didn't come to classboard today, but it's all good. We still got some things done. Kindof. Haha. Me, Jason Huang(different), and Jeremy got rid of some of the unneccessary marks inside with some white paint. That didn't last long. Monday's classboard afterschool meeting, we'll probably have to cut it all out and glue it onto cardboard. I'm not complaining or anything, but I'm just saying it's going to be a long, tiring day. NO WORRIES ! I have Christine to talk to about it after, Let her know my stresses, my problems, EVERYTHING. XD Haha, but I need to ask her about it, I don't want to put my burden on her shoulders. I don't want her to feel sorry for me. I just need to talk about it. Nothing else. Got it? XD. No. But do tell me about your day, I don't want to be the only one talking. Let's share the pain. Haha. Although, I'd rather have the burden on me then her. Just because I'm a good boyfriend like that. Haha. One night, we were both doing some homework when I called. I finish first, but she's still doing her homework. She thinks she'll have to stay up until Midnight, 1 AM being the latest. I tell her that I will stay up with her, but apparently, her phone's battery is "almost dead". Haha, I don't believe her about that, but Okay. I told her to get her charger too ! But nooo, She had to be the lazy girl she is, and leave it in her room while she's in the living room. XP Such a lazy chick. Haha, but it's okay. So she tells me her phone's about to die around 11:30 - 12. We say our goodbye's, our I Love You's, and I go to sleep. Then the next day comes, and we talk on AIM. I asked her why won't she let me stay up with her, and get this.
She tells me I should care about myself First.
PSH. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I did that? When it comes to our health and stuff, it's her I car
e about first, forget about me. But I feel like I'm getting off topic now. BACK TO CLASSBOARD ISSUES. After all the work is done, we just chill for about an hour or so. We watch Brandon and them break, or joke around. OH. OHEMGEE. JUNA DID A BABYFREEZE. Hahahahaha. She told me not to take a picture, BUT OH WELL. XD SORRY JUNA ! ---------------------> And Brandon's buff, sexiness is like everywhere.Haha. He's a G when it comes to the 6 step. Haha. I think. He's always asking if it looked cool or something. Need to let go of that fear and doubt bro. That's right. Yesterday, we had a motivational speaker, Keith Hawkins, come to our school to talk to us about Respect. Although, I feel like he talked nothing about Respect, but talked about more important matters, like self-esteem, problems, and things. He said that humans only have 2 things inside of them: Doubt and Fear. You don't do things because you fear something might happen. You doubt yourself. I actually don't quite get the concept of this. I don't get what he means by it. One day though, it'll come to me like BOOM. I got it. Haha. He was quite enter
taining. He connected with us, he understood us. Cool guy, Cool Guy. Oh man, this post is unorganized, I keep going from one subject to another and back to the first, but whatev. Lately, I've caught myself singing without me acutally realizing it. Like, I'd find myself singing these songs stuck in my head : The Talking Phase - Mihchael Carreon, My Everything - Randolph Permejo ft. Cathy Nguyen, So Quiet - AJ Rafael. I need to start singing more worship songs though. Haha. I feel like I've been neglecting my Christian faith, and that's like, really bad. In Him, anything is possible. I should start singing more worship songs, yeah. Period.

Sing Unto God, sing PRAISES to his name..
-Psalm 68:4 KJV
-Psalm 68:4 KJV
^^^^^^^^^^ Dude, you don't even know. Them asian kids are getting pretty good at Breaking. Hahaha. DARN YOU BRANDON, ARTHUR, JACK, DANIEL, AND EVERYONE ELSE I FORGOT. So random, but yeah. OH OH. Last thing, I GOT AN A+ ON MY ENGLISH QUIZ. Fcucking beasting. Hahaha. But yeah, I guess that's all for now. Only because Christine is on now, and I want to talk to her. d( " )b

Until Next Time,
1 comment:
Seriously, though. xD
Worry about yourself first. First! ox<
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